South Western PA Hunting Retriever Association training grounds
Ducks and Bumpers
55 degrees and cloudy
Mas: “This morning, Jack took us out and we saw that the white truck was all set up.-always a good sign. He loaded us up and even the lady got in the truck. And we were off. I could hear Jack talking to the lady and then I knew: TRAINING DAY.”
Babe: “Mas and I looked at one another. Training days are WAY different from hunt days. Lots of our dog friends and their humans are here, and there will be plenty of opportunities to show off and time to develop new skills.”
Mas; “Jack got me out first and of course I made him look good on the first set of tasks. Bumpers(?) I can pick up bumpers all day. What I really want are the ducks. The second task had them. But like most training days there was a catch: I had to wait my turn. Did I mention that I’m not very good at waiting? But nevertheless wait I did and Jack was pleased and proud of me.”
Babe: “The lady came to get me out of the truck. That’s unusual. She takes me for walks and stuff but, come on, this is a TRAINING DAY. Well, let’s see what she can do. Training day isn’t only about training the dogs. The humans have stuff to learn too.” OK. I like the lady. She takes me for long walks and gives me chewy bones. Let’s just say handling dogs may not be her strongest skill. It wasn’t pretty but we got through it okay.
Mas: “The humans had their lunch and Babe and I had a nap. Bring on the action!. Jack had me run the inline drill. Really he thinks I need practice on THIS? It’s for puppies. It’s for beginners and there are no cute girl dogs to watch me ace it.
Maybe I was a smidge cocky earlier. This next task looks pretty challenging, another honor drill with retrieves over 3 different distances on rolling terrain on a hillside. Paying close attention to Jack is the only way to do this one.”
Babe: “Jack got me out of the truck when he brought Mas back. He seemed pretty happy with Mas so I’d better listen carefully since Mas didn’t have a chance to give me any hints. Jack set me up in a line of other dogs and their humans. Aha! Watch and wait. I can do this. And when it was finally my turn I flew to the birds. Yep, when Jack put me away he was so proud. But now the lady is back. I guess she is going to try again.
OK, in-line birds. I know how to do these. Maybe I can make the lady look good. She said HEEL, she said MARK. Now if she’d just say my name. Go on, lady, say it. Say BABE! That’s all I needed. I’ll make her look good.
Mas: “Jack took me to run some blinds. Of course I was brilliant. I lined the first blind. Unfortunately Jack didn’t want me to do the second blind my way and wasted a couple of sit whistles after I already smelled the bird . Silly human. Then he brought Babe back to try these blinds. I don’t think that’s a great idea since Babe doesn’t always understand the hand signals. Did I mention that she is a blonde?”