Bob 4.5.14 BIt had to happen – and sooner than later.  I had mentioned the last time I wrote that the puppies were getting more mobile now that they can see and more likely to explore.  And so it was only a question of time before this happened.  Let me explain.

The lady came to take care of us in the morning, the way she always does.  She came in the room and her eyes got very big when she looked in the box. HELLO?  Do you see me sitting WAAAAAY over here?  There’s a reason I’m not coming over to you!

Bob had taken a little bit of a walk.  He’d gone over the edge of our box and just decided to explore the room, I suppose.  He sort of ended up a good bit away from where he got out, so I figured I’d just stick by him until the lady came to help us.

She picked him up and put him back in the box with the rest of my puppies, fussing about the whole thing.  Then she added the next panel to the opening of our box.  She was also muttering something about maybe instead of naming him after The Great Santini, she should have named him after someone named Steve from The Great Escape.

Bob 4.5.14 A